Forms & Fees

Looking to consign to the next Boone County Draft and Quarter Horse Sale?

Download our Printable Sale Consignment FormDownload our Sale Consignment Form (Fillable .pdf)

Tack, Equipment, Carriages, etc. Commission

Up to $100.00 - 20%
$101.00 to $500.00 - 15%
$501.00 and up - 10%
$2.00 Minimum Commission
All Rates are per ticket item.

Horse & Mule Commission

$50 Consignment Fee Plus 7% Commission
with a $70.00 minimum per head
$5 Yardage Fee
$75 No Sale Fee
$75 No Show Fee
$30 Coggins

Catalog Deadline

January 15, 2025
Send $50 per consignment to be in the catalog to:
Joe Raber
819 N Centennial Rd.
Nickerson, KS 67561

How to consign your Horse or Mule:

• You can use regular mail, email, fax, or give us a call.
Regular Mail: Please include form and check.
For Email, Fax, or Calls: Make contact then send check by mail.

Pictures and Videos are very much encouraged.
But please supply us with
quality pictures so we can better market your horse or mule. (Not tied to a trailer, running loose in a field, etc.).
Take the time to set up
the right photos and choose the ones that look good. It will benefit you.
For Videos: They need to be uploaded to a youtube channel first, then please send us the video link. It just makes it easier for us to advertise your horse or mule.

Online Instructions
